Lakers rallied Heat at the Staples Center

I would guess Shawn Marion was not really happy when he was told that he was going to be traded to the worst team in the NBA league, Miami.
I would guess Shawn Marion was not really happy when he was told that he was going to be traded to the worst team in the NBA league, Miami.
The 22 points from Ray Allen were more effective than the 29 from Lebron James, as the Celtics won to the Cavs at the TD Banknorth Garden 92-87.
It looks like the Patriots made a smart move and decided to let Rosevelt Colvin go, the 30 year old linebacker has being coming and going with injuries, first the one on his hip on 2003, just after getting traded from the Bears, such injury left him out of the football fields for one year while his team was winning super bowls. He was placed on the injured reserve again on November after getting injured on his foot in a game against the Eagles.
Manu Ginobili was named the player of the week by the NBA, and there are good reasons for that, he’s being crucial in the 3-0 mark from the Spurs after the All Star Break, averaging 30 points per game, he scored 44 against the Twolves, and had 30 against the Hornets, though he didn’t did as well against the Hawks, the Spurs most recent rival, as he ended with only 13.
It was the debut for Drew Gooden and Larry Hughes playing for the Bulls after they were traded from Cleveland in the deal that sent Ben Wallace and Joe Smith to the Cavs, but we will need to wait for future matches to see them performing at their best since both got little playing time against the Rockets, who beat Chicago 110-97. Both finished with a combined 25 points.
It seems like the trade between Miami and Phoenix is not working either way, since Shaq lost in his debut to the Lakers and we have Shawn Marion who hasn’t being able to help the Heat to win a single game.
It looks like steroids had taken over the news lately, but only concerning the MLB, and so what happens to other professional leagues like the NFL?
It has been a while since the talks started around the Jason Kidd trade, the 34 year old veteran leaded the Nets since he arrived to the team, he took New Jersey to two finals and 4 straight playoff appearances.
The Bears have decided to release Muhsin Muhammad, one of their stars for the past 3 years, there are a few reasons involved in the dismissal, the stronger says that the 34 wide receiver has being in decline every year, since he caught a total of 64 passes in 05, then
It was all about improvisation yesterday night at New Orleans, where the NBA All Star Game was held, with the victory coming for the underdog, the East, and with Lebron James, taking the MVP trophy for the second time in 2 years.
The big stars of the night were James and Ray Allen, the latest who came out of the game with 28 points, 14 just in the last quarter, which served as a big boost to finally come up with the victory for the East.
Last year, the East fell to the West in the hands of Kobe Bryant and Lebron wanted things to be different this time. "They beat up on us pretty bad last year, we didn't want to allow that to happen. We wanted to win." James said.
And win they did, with a final score of 134-128, revenged was well served, but there was a little sour taste at the end, since Kobe just came to the game as an spectator and could not deliver enough show as he played just 3 minutes, and could not compete with Lebron for the MVP award since he’s suffering of a fractured finger but he just decided to rest and not have surgery since he wants to help the Lakers get closer to the championship.
A player that might have played his last game for a East conference team is Jason Kidd, who might be traded to the Mavs from the Nets in the next few days, so he might be helping Bryant instead of James for the next All Star date.
Really an interesting match that also served as financial relief for a town that is still in a recovery process, charity organizations and New Orleans itself, they all had their share of famous NBA and Hollywood stars that came to the show, hands town to the NBA organization for their helping-oriented attitude.
Bill Belichick, the Patriots coach, was caught taping the Jets secret signs on the 2006 season and was fined $500,000, while New England was fined with $250,000 and also they were revoked a first round pick, but it appears that Belichick is an old time cheater, since unknown sources are stating that he has being taping opponent;s deffensive signals since the 2000 season, when the Patriots obtained their first championship after passing the Rams, the most favored team at the time.
The Tour de France is not going to count with Alberto Contador this year, since his team, Astana, has being removed from the competition as per previous issued involving failed doping tests by former members of the squad.
The Nets are climbing stairs with caution, as their victory to the Twolves 92-88 meant their third on a row, a real achievement considering that before these victories they were coming from a bad strike that left them with 9 straight losses, the last one of those against Minnesota on January 27th.
Kobe Bryant had a great night yesterday when the Lakers took down the Bobcats 106-97 with Bryant scoring more than 30 points on 3 straight games.
It’s not all the time that we can see a rookie receing the honors of MVP, this time the honors went to Vikings Adrian Peterson, who scored two touch downs and ran for more than
It looks like the Yankees will be playing in a state of the art Yankee stadium for the 2009 season, since the construction of their new ball park in on the run.
Two of the best teams in the NBA had a fierceful battle for the victory on Tuesday night, but the Celtics fell to the other best team in the East, the Cavs.
Empty seats at the American Airlines Center and the face of dissapointment of Pat Riley after every game are just a few reasons that might lead to the departure of Shaquille O’Neal from the Heat and start a new campaign with the Suns.
The hearing for Roger Clemens involving illicit drug usage is set for next week, but this morning he had to visit the House Committee in order to have a talk with congressional investigators in order to get everything ready for the hearing which came as a result of the Mitchell report, on which Clemens appears as having being injected with steroids by his former trainer Brian McNamee.
The Miami Dolphins are still the only undefeated champions in NFL history, with a 17-0 record, something that must be carving inside the minds of New England players as even though their record is of 18-0, they fell at the end, and sadly, the end is what everybody remembers.