Obama's statements upset Cubs fans

There is no secret that Senator Barak Obama is a White Sox fan, but on a recent interview, he agitated the already turbulent waters around his team and the Cubs when he said “You go to Wrigley Field, you have a beer, beautiful people up there, people aren't watching the game. It's not serious. White Sox, that's baseball.”
Maybe he said those things just as a baseball fan, but when you are running for President of the United States, you need to support every single team no matter which one is your favorite, and even more when Hillary Clinton fans might not vote for him on elections day.
And considering that the Cubs hasn’t won an MLB World Series in 99 years and that right now they are heading their division, it’s just not a smart thing to do, plus he is fueling the republicans with more weapons to attack him when the right time comes.
I truly believe Obama does not have it easy against McCain even when he looks like the favorite to be the next commander in chief, but if he stop throwing non sense statements, his chances of living in the White House might increase...
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