NLF playoffs, Cowboys with an edge over the Packers

The chase for the top spot on the National Football Conference (NFC) have a possible winner, the Cowboys.
Favre was hurt on a hit by cornerback Nate Jones, now he’s in danger of losing his run of 249 consecutive starts ( a record that’s about six seasons longer than the next-best by a quarterback ) although he has at lest one week to heal since Packers next game is on December 9th.
“I had a similar injury last year, I lost feeling in my fingers and I still have some tingling. But I think I’ll be fine.” Favre said.
This is the best start for the Cowboys in the history of their franchise, with only 4 games left, they have their most wins in a season since going 12-
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December 2, 2007 at 4:24 PM
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