De La Hoya - Mayweather fight: The head to head betting action is on!
One of the biggest contenders in the world of boxing, this 34 yrs. old Mexican-american title-winning welterweight champion turned businessmen who has even dabbled a bit into a singing career (don’t ask) is probably training right now for one of the biggest, if not the biggest boxing match this year: De La Hoya vs. Mayweather -The bets are on ladies and gentleman; this is pure head to head real boxing action!
(Right, as you may guess the singing gig…didn’t quite work out.)
Certainly “The World awaits” for this exciting match on Saturday May 5th in which the opening bell will ring at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas at 8pm EST / 9pm PST. The fight will be broadcasted Pay Per View through HBO as it is already a habit for “The golden boy” who has brought in almost $500 MILLION dollars in previous pay per view events and will soon beat other Pay Per View record-breaking boxing icons such as Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson. That is big, but even bigger will be the number of betting action this event will spark among boxing enthusiasts and sports bettors this weekend.
Whatcha talkin’ bout Willis?
Yes, Willis, we’re talking about the all-time most important profit making fight in the history of the boxing capital of the world; Las Vegas: The De La Hoya-MayWeather bout is boxing history in the making, actually in the betmaking. As you can imagine “The Golden Boy vs. The Pretty Boy” is bringing in approximately over $55 million dollars in pay per view earnings and not only is it the largest live gate in Nevada’s history - No pressure huh?- but this boxing event will also be one of the highest grossing attractions for the local bookies as well as for the offshore books and price per head sportbooks whose phones will be off the hook, trying to handle the overwhelming betting rush coming from players. Hundreds of bettors will be busy on Saturday May 5th before 8pm EST trying to get a piece of the action based on what they heard, what they’ve seen and what their little fight-loving heart tells them.
De La Hoya will be splitting the revenue with his opponent, Mayweather, on a 70-30 deal: 70% goes to De La Hoya which is expected to be around $25 million and $10 millions would go to Mayweather for kicking the champs’ ass. The reason for this uneven profit split? Well, De La Hoya is promoting this event through his company “Golden Boy Promotions” which Mayweather doesn’t seem to like much:
“all of those guys at Golden Boy are nothing but puppets”…
The muppets would’ve probably taken offense at that. But anywho…You can’t really blame Mayweather for his harsh comments and ghetto-on-your-face-I’ll-shoot-you-me-and-your-mamma-too” type of attitude. The guy is angry; he had a really difficult upbringing…(why does this sound like something that belongs to E True Hollywood Story)
Here are some other stars that ALSO had difficult upbringings and turned out already know. Oh, why Paris you ask?.... yeah; well we just put her up there for pure sheer pleasure!!!

Mayweather has auto-defined himself as flamboyant and crazy and… he loves it. Recently he stated that he usually carries as much as 30k in cash (yep, green dead presidents) and buys Rolls Royce’s with his credit card if he pleases so in the middle of the day. I feel you Floyd, I get bored like that too. Now, I usually just have a Prozac and some Dunkin’ Donuts...but hey we’re all different right? Then again, the Mayweather’s have a history of brutally violent fights, run-ins with the law, drugs and family issues, (sounds like any episode of the Osbournes? It’s pure coincidence…). Just recently his father Mr. Mayweather Sr. discovered another son whom he’s training to be a fighter and also ended his professional relationship with his son’s contender none other than Oscar De La Hoya. Mr Mayweather Sr. worked for De La Hoya as his longtime ringside trainer. Confusing? Here’s the light version: Daddy Mayweather was training the other guy instead of his son so that he could be in top notch condition to kick Mayweather Jr.s ass…something isn’t right here, this is too “Jerry Springerish” for me…)
On the other hand, De La Hoya is a calmed, well-mannered, handsome and very polite fellow who is not only involved in boxing himself, and even promoting other upcoming boxers but he’s also got his feet wet with real estate and other interesting fields . His charisma charms the ladies, the media and the fight fans but most of all the bettors and the local sports bookmakers handling their player packages offshore. These guys love both De La Hoya and Mayweather as they will benefit greatly by taking in major, I’m talking major, action when fights like this come around.
Labels: De La Hoya- Mayweather fight, Per Head Betting Action Offshore
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